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April 2012

No Regrets

I really regret that...oh how I wish I could go back and do that differently.  Has that thought ever crossed your mind?  I have wished for a time machine a time or two in my go back and right some wrong I had done, or to redo some failure in my life.  The beautiful thing about coming to know Christ is that He remembers our sins, mistakes, faults, and failures...

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Broken But Not Crushed

Not all of our experiences with God are mountaintop experiences.  Some of our most intimate times with God are spent learning all over again the depths of His mercy and love for us.  We as human beings are so flawed and imperfect, and it takes a perfect Savior to bring us back to a right relationship with God. When we feel ourselves slipping away from God, (and deep down, we...

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Let There Be Light!

The first words that God speaks in the Bible are, "Let there be light." And there was...and it was good!  Many years ago my husband and I visited Mammoth Cave and we took a tour to the bottom of the cave.  While down there, the tour guide turned off all the lights and it was the most intense darkness I have ever experienced.  It is so dark in fact, the fish in...

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He Knows Before We Ask

Have you ever walked through a field of wild flowers?  We live in the country, so we are blessed to be able to see fields of flowers, to listen to the birds singing praises to God every morning.  Birds and wildflowers...these are two things that a lot of people don't give a lot of thought to. I can tell you that God does. Matthew 6:25-34 tells us just how much God loves...

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Good Morning, Monday!

Monday morning...does that make you smile, or stress?  I think the devil works overtime on Monday mornings to stress us, discourage us, to fill our minds with negative thoughts.  It makes sense, because the weekend is family time, church time, a time of rest and refreshing for most of us, therefore I think the devil feels he must make up for lost time.  I am here to...

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Who Does My Reflection Show?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and not recognized the person you see? Have you ever not liked what you saw in the mirror?  I think we've all experienced that at some point. Often we look at ourselves and we see things others don't even notice.  We see a nose that is too big, crooked teeth, blemishes, or wrinkles...when others see a beautiful smile, a twinkle in...

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Proverbs 17:17 tells us that a friend loves at all times. We will have many friends in our lifetime.  Some of these "friends" love us when we are having the cool parties, wearing the best clothes, when we are popular and on top of the world.  These friendships are usually fleeting because they are based on shallow, temporary things.  Then there are those...

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Biblical Truth About God & Healing

Mathew 8: 2-3  A man with leprosy  came and knelt before him (Jesus) and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cured of his leprosy.   Devotional Gods will is to heal people, why all people do not experience...

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Gratitude- A thankful heart expressed with words

Today's scriptures 1Timothy 1:12 And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry   Devotional Recently, I had the privilege of working with a dear lady, who would say “Thank you Jesus” often. I began to notice that she actually was talking, as if Jesus were listening and right beside...

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The Plan of God

Eph 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.   Devotional God has a plan for our lives. That plan includes doing good works. The bible says, in the book of Acts chapter 10 verse 38,  that Jesus went about doing good and healing all...This was the plan for Jesus' life, ...

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